John Gordon Ross

A Man for All Reasons

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Language Stuff

Almost everyone uses language, so inevitably almost everyone thinks they are an expert in it. I don’t consider myself an expert, though most of my work requires at least language competence and sometimes actual skill, but I do follow the blogs featured on this feeds page.

(If you are wondering where the translation-related feeds have all gone, I have put them on their own page.)

Most of the blogs represented here are in English, most of the time, but don’t be surprised to find other languages used. Go with the flow – I occasionally find myself pleasantly surprised at how much I can grasp in languages I have never seen before.

Language On the Net » Contra Bellum.

Thursday 7 May 15:53:34 UTC 2015

Via Anatoly Vorobey, Egor Trubnikov’s poem Илье ‘To Ilya [Muromets]‘ (who arose from the oven on which he had been lying for decades and became a bogatyr). My apologies to non-Russian-speakers; I thought briefly of trying to translate it, but the press of work makes it impossible to even consider expending that much time and effort. It’s an appeal to … [Link]

Language Log » Attachment ambiguity of the day

Thursday 7 May 15:30:08 UTC 2015

The first two panels of today's Scenes from a Multiverse: [Link]

Urban Word of the Day » PFM

Thursday 7 May 7:00:00 UTC 2015

Pure fucking magic. Person A: How the hell does a person sing in harmony with themselves?Person B: PFM. [Link]

Language Log » Wonton in Zanthoxylum schinifolium etzucc sauce

Thursday 7 May 4:07:18 UTC 2015

From Nancy Friedman (@Fritinancy): As for menu item #47, your guess is as good as mine. #Berkeley @LanguageLog — Nancy Friedman (@Fritinancy) May 4, 2015 Item 47 on the menu says simply: téngjiāo chāoshǒu 藤椒抄手 ("wonton [with] Sichuan peppercorn") So where did all the rest of that come from? First of all, this is a patently Sichuan style dish, … [Link]


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